Retired Faculty Association

March 9, 2016 – Officers Meeting and event

George Mason University

Minutes of the Retired Faculty Association – Officers Meeting and March event

March 9, 2016, 10:05-10:35 AM mtg. 10:35-10:50 AM social; 10:50 AM-11:45 presentation followed by lunch Aa’bee Persian & Mediterranean Fusion Restaurant, Fairfax, VA


Present:  Don Boileau, Bob Ehrlich, Esther Elstun, Joseph Lieb, Julianne Mahler, Jim Sanford, Janice Sutera,

I.   The meeting began at 10:00 AM.

  • Minutes of Feb. 10 approved with note to fix a typo.
  • New “cover” or luncheon charges instituted with the restaurant. Joe Lieb, RFA Treasurer, collected funds from attendees and paid the restaurant bill.

II.  Succession Planning and Membership (Bob Ehrlich)

  • Nominations: Bob reported on the upcoming election for the President and VP position. He will continue to approach nominees in turn as needed.
  • Elections: Bob will handle logistics of election: sending notice of election/candidates, receiving votes, comparing votes to active membership list, tallying and reporting results.

 III.  Programming (Bob Ehrlich, Julie Mahler)

  • Spring 2016 Event attendance:
  • Upcoming events: See website for updates:
    • Wed, April 13, 10:30 AM presentation and discussion. Lunch and socializing to follow.  David Keegan, State Department Foreign Service Institute, The Chinese economy: Opportunities and challenges.   Aa’bee Persian restaurant, Fairfax, VA
    • Wed, May 11, 10:30 AM presentation and discussion. Lunch and socializing to follow.  Jack Censer, Professor Emeritus of History, The evolution of revolutionary ideaAa’bee Persian restaurant, Fairfax, VA
    • June 2016 – planning a night sky viewing. Will be held 30 minutes on Rt. 66W from Mason.  Details to follow as they unfold.
  • 2016-17 Event Plans: (Bob Ehrlich)
    • Sept 2016 – Chris Jones – Potomac tour – repeat of a popular outing
    • Oct 2016 – Tour of Gunston Hall
    • Nov 9, 2016 – Tom Davis, current BOV Rector, former Congressman – his ‘take’ on the 2016 election results
    • Dec 2016 – Tour of Luray Caverns with Doug Mose
    • A tour of Mason’s Rooftop Greenhouse was suggested and will be pursued as an event.

IV.  Interests Groups: (Esther Elstun)

  • Book Club – suggestion for next fiction, The Passenger. Book list was added to website.

V.  Follow up for Next Meeting

  • Human Resources update (Veronique Klimonda)

ACTION: Veronique will assess how Mason’s People Finder lists retired faculty contact info.  She will report at our next meeting.

ACTION: Veronique will provide Janice with stats on the number of faculty retirees each calendar year for at least 2015 and 2014 and a few prior years, if available.

VI.  2015-16 Executive Committee Meetings

  • ACTION: Don Boileau will identify meeting space for next year’s Officer’s meetings and events in Fairfax County Libraries, preferably Fairfax City branch or Oakton branch.
  • Executive Committee Meetings precede monthly programs/events.
  • The following represents a list of executive committee meeting dates planned for the remainder of 2015-2016:

April 13, 2016

May 11, 2016

June 1, 2016

 VII. Adjournment: About 10:35 AM

Respectfully submitted,

Janice Sutera Wolfe, Ph.D.

2012 Retiree

RFA March 9, 2016 event

10:45 AM lecture; 11:45 AM lunch and socializing

Rebecca Goldin, Professor, Mathematics, Director STATS, a collaboration between the American Statistical Association and Sense about Science, USA

 Statistical slips in the media: How numbers make the news

See “Sense about Statistics”– The mismeasure of scientific significanceP-dolatory: How science fell for statistical doping and how statisticians want it to stop

Attendees: (n=16)