George Mason University
Minutes of the Retired Faculty Association
2nd Meeting of the “Founding Members”
November 20, 2013
Mason Inn, 12:00 – 1:45 p.m.
Present: Lou Buffardi, Bob Ehrlich, Esther Elstun, Katherine Haldeman, Linda Harber, Joseph Lieb, Julianne Mahler, Miriam Raskin, Jane Razeghi, Linda Rikard, Janice Sutera, Terry Myers Zawacki.
Absent: Joan Isenberg
Guests Present: David Roe, Linda Harber
I. The meeting began at 12:35 pm
II. Lunch; Welcome and Introductions – Katherine Haldeman
III. Dave Roe, President of the GMU Foundation – Introduced by Katherine Haldeman
Dave presented Foundation account options and responded to questions. He is available for ongoing consultation about creating and managing a foundation account. He shared some examples of the Alumni Association as an all-inclusive membership group. Contact David with additional questions at:
Group discussion about Foundation account:
- Program funding cannot be used for political activities, must benefit Mason
- Account could be separate Foundation account and coordinated with Human Resources for the benefit of the Association
- Annual giving campaigns might present a fund-raising opportunity; need contact in Development office
Group discussion of membership topics included:
- value of members vs. non-members categories; tiers of dues; maintenance of payments
- “donations” (will be personally deductible and finance activities) vs. collecting dues.
- All-inclusive programmatic focus and piggyback on current university events, e.g., Dec. 4 basketball, pre-performance dinner reservations at Brion’s or Casa Italia, Alumni Wknd. in October, Homecoming in February and one of the University Days in April.
IV. Brief Review of the By-laws, Discussion and Motion for Approval – Jane, Esther & Bob
Review and suggestions:
- Re-consider name of the organization at a future time
- Article II: Membership
- Sec. 1 A, B, and C will be relabeled, reformatted. References to dues deleted. Lifetime membership deleted.
- A- Faculty Retirees defined as Instructional Faculty, Research Faculty, Administrative Faculty – (There was a consensus to include all three);
- B- Transitioning Faculty;
- C-Associate Membership – add the word “partner”
- Article IV: Officers
- Sec. 2: delete reference to odd and even years; delete Treasurer serving a mentor year
- Refer to academic year terms of office beginning July 1
- There was a consensus that officers elected now serving one-year terms should serve through the 2014-2015 academic year (no new elections in Spring 2014)
- Delete references to dues
- Article V: Board Sec. 1
- add “founding members” to those Board members mentioned
- define University Liaison as “from Human Resources and Payroll
- Article VII: Meetings of Membership
- Sec.1 – add… meet “at least” annually
- Article VIII: Donations and Finances – delete references to dues and lifetime membership
- Article X: Parliamentary Authority – check on title of most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order
- Sec. 1 A, B, and C will be relabeled, reformatted. References to dues deleted. Lifetime membership deleted.
Next Steps:
- Jane, Esther, & Bob will make suggested changes and share with founding members by e-mail offering a two-week window for comments before the winter holidays.
- Final version will be sent to full faculty retiree group in spring 2014.
- It was noted that the first Retired Faculty Association meeting might not be a good time to have President Cabrera speak, and various possible speakers were suggested.
V. Slate of Officers – by Nominating committee: Bob Ehrlich, Esther & Jane
- Reviewed tasks outlined in the By-laws and Slate of Officers
- Heard no nominations from the “floor”
- Elected officers by acclamation after motion to do so:
President-Robert Ehrlich, VP-Terry Meyers Zawacki,
Secretary-Janice Sutera, Treasurer-Jane Razeghi
VI. Motion, Discussion & Decision Regarding “Donations/Dues”
Whole Group Discussion
- Donations
- Decided to focus on donations and not to charge dues
- Suggested contacting Advancement regarding ways to promote donations
- Suggested that donations be used for: conferences, scholarships for retirees; speaker series for by and for retirees
- Publicity suggested:
- insert into faculty retirement packets welcoming new members and promoting donations
- Kathy mention the Association during HR’s “Next Steps” seminars
- Include in University Day for service years, April 9 and 10, 2014
VII. Discussion & Input Regarding Future Events and Activities
- Consult results of Retired Faculty Survey.
- As the hour was late, discussion was deferred to a later date
VIII. Volunteer Options (hopefully related to the skills & interests of Founding Members)
Discussion was short for lack of time.
- Webmaster/mistress – Kathy will include those interested as part of effort in Human Resources to update the current retiree info. Consult results of Retired Faculty Survey and current content of site for additional content suggestions. Further discussion needed. Bob is looking into various options for building the web site.
- Publicity – See suggestions for Association publicity above in section VI.
- Program Planning – Julianne Mahler offered to lead.
- Consult results of Retired Faculty Survey for suggestions.
- Also suggested: Retiree Vision Series, Fitness, Volunteer Fair – what time and talent might we offer to the students or the university
- Membership Welcome/Recruitment – ?
IX. Other Business
- Thanks to Human Resources for providing lunch!
X. Next Meeting Date: December 11, 2013 at the Mason Inn (or the conference room in HR) – venue still to be determined, 10 am-11:30 am.
XI. Adjournment: We left the room about 2:30 pm after a very productive meeting.