George Mason University
Retired Faculty Association – General Meeting
February 23, 2014, noon – 1:00 p.m., Brion’s Grill, Fairfax, VA
Present: 35 brunch registrants
Guest: Andrew Carle, presenter and his wife
I. The brunch meet/greet began at 11:00 AM and the presentation started about noon.
II. Presentation- Nana Technology: Improving the Quality of Life for Seniors. Dr. Andrew Carle, Mason Health and Human Services introduced by Bob Ehrlich. Slides of the presentation are available at:
III. Retired Faculty Association and website overview (Bob Ehrlich)
- Introduction of officers and founding members
- Overview of upcoming events
- Review of current interest groups.
- Logging in to activate membership
- Review of menu items
- Suggestions:
- Link to Mason News
- Adding one or more of the following to interest groups: fishing, boating, paddling
IV. Comment Form – Highlights will be added after the March 6 meeting (Jane Razeghi)
V. Next Meeting Date for officers:
March 6, 2014, 10 AM – noon, room 4102 in University Hall
VI. Event ended: 1:00 PM