Retired Faculty Association

February 5, 2015 – Officers Meeting

George Mason University

Minutes of the Retired Faculty Association – Officers Meeting

February 5, 2015, 12:15-1:30 PM, Cooking & Company Persian Restaurant, Fairfax, VA

Present: Bob Ehrlich, Julianne Mahler, Janice Sutera

The luncheon meeting began about 12:15 PM

I. Bylaws: (Bob Ehrlich)

Bob proposed three changes to the RFA Bylaws:

  1. Members eligible to vote – proposed that “website registered” members be identified as members eligible to vote. The total membership consists of all retired Mason faculty in HR’s database.
  2. Executive Committee members – proposed that Events Chair, Membership Chair, Publicity Chair be officially added to the Executive Committee. HR Liaison is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee.
  3. Succession of VP to President – proposed that succession of VP to Presidency be disentangled.

    ACTION:  Bob will consult with Jane Razeghi to request wording changes.

 II.  Monthly Meetings 2014-15: (Janice Sutera)

1st Thursday of each month at 10 AM reserved for meeting of Executive Committee.

  • October 2 – Founders luncheon Meeting was held at Cooking & Company Restaurant & Catering, Persian Restaurant in Fairfax.
  • Nov 6, Dec 4, Jan 8 – no agenda items; consult by email as needed; support programming
  • February 5 – Exec Committee luncheon meeting at Cooking & Company, Fairfax, VA
  • March 5
  • April 2
  • May 7
  • June 4

III.  2014-15 Event Planning Update: (Julie Mahler)

A. Planning a Sunday brunch event to host the Provost and another faculty speaker in March (15, 22, 29) or April (12, 19).


  • Bob will contact Provost to identify available date(s). Topic under consideration.
  • Bob will also request Provost’s office reserve room in Ctr for the Arts or Mason Hall.
  • Julie will contact Sodexo to identify prices for brunch menu and set up.
  • All retired faculty will be invited.
  • Will need to set up RSVP logistics and payment logistics. Discussed: sending registration form by email to be returned with a check; providing registration form on the RFA websit

B.  “Check this Out” feature on website landing page to attract attention to particular events

C.   Fall 2014 events were nicely attended and interesting.

D.   Spring 2015 events:

  • February 12, 2015 Paulette Royt,Associate Professor Retired,  Department of Molecular and Microbiology. A presentation to us on native plants for amateur gardeners.  7:30, Johnson Center, Room B. Wine and cheese social 7:00-7:30
  • Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Richard Rubinstein, University Professor, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Conflict Resolution and the War on Terror: Are There Alternatives to Violence? It is commonly assumed that the only way to fight terrorism of the al Qaeda or ISIS type is to “kill them before they kill us.” A more nuanced response advocates using a combination of military force and “soft power” policies to limit the terrorists’ growth and effectiveness. But are there methods of conflict resolution that could END the war on terror? Maybe so!     7:30, Johnson Center, Room B. Wine and cheese social 7:00-7:30
  • Invited late March/early April (April 9?)– Carla Marcantonio, Assistant Professor, Film and Media. Film making or appreciation.
  • Invited late spring – Thomas C. Wood, Conservation Studies will lead a group for a day of environmental studies on the Piedmont.

   E. Other Programs of Interest (Julie Mahler)

  • Challenge of Biodiversity Speaker Series
  • School of Policy, Government and International Affairs brown bag series

IV.  Next Meeting Date:

March 5, time TBA, Room TBA.

 V.   Adjournment: 1:30 PM